Grant Funders
We would like to thank the following organisations who have provided us with grants and donations:
Albert Hunt
Allen Lane Foundation
Arnold Clark
B&Q Foundation
Brelms Trust
Church Homeless Charity
Conversation Club Leeds
Forum Central
Garfield Weston
Garforth Refugee Group
Grail Society
Hilden Charitable Fund
Hillards Charitable Trust
Ladies of the Grail
Leeds City Council
Leeds Community Foundation
National Lottery
Orlander Trust
Scurrah Wainwright Charity
Sisters of the Cross and Passion
Sisters of the Holy Family of Bordeaux
West Riding Masonic Charities Ltd
Individual Donors
We would like thank our individual donors who have given and continue to give so generously to help us continue to provide accomodation and support to our residents.
Can you help?
If you know of an organisaiton who may be able to provide grant funding or other support, or would like to make a donation yourself, please email us at donations@ledas.org.uk